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Future Plans, read.

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Future Plans, read. Empty Future Plans, read.

Post  Gara14 Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:41 pm

Once I get the server up and running, and have the Dedi paid for 2-3 months in advance, I'll be going on a cross-country pre-college road trip, I'll be hitting every state on the southern border, west border and some on the north and eastern borders of the US, and possibly some central states.

So, during that time I'll be needing someone to take over the reigns of the Hellz Pkers website, along with the server. The person chosen will have full access to our Dedi, which will have All of the server files, etc. along with all information on the forums, which includes every user ever registered, control over all accounts (excluding mine.), and everything else on the site, which of course means everyones, and I mean Everyones last used IP address will be associated with they're account and will be viewable.. Alright, well saying that I may just give someone administrator rights with extra bonuses in power since I don't really want to hand over everyones personal info lol.. But, you get the idea.

So, I figured I'd be giving everyone a heads up. I have a couple people in mind already to take over while I'm gone, whether or not I'll be able to get on at all while I'm gone isn't known yet really.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2009-01-08


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